Shellie Bader Appointed as CSHA STAR Representative!

Congratulations to Shellie Bader, our COO.  She has been Shellie PhototIMG_0481appointed by CSHA to be the California ASHA STAR Representative.

The State Advocate for Reimbursement (STAR) Representatives are ASHA-member speech-language pathologists and audiologists who are liaisons between CSHA and ASHA. The STAR Network is charged with advocating locally with legislators, state insurance commissioners, health plans, unions and employers in areas specific to private health plan reimbursement.  The mission of the STAR representatives “is to advocate for consistent coverage and equitable reimbursement rates by private payers for speech-language pathology and audiology…targeting key decision-makers in private corporations, public agencies, and the local legislature”.  STAR Network members develop advocacy strategies and share skills meetings which take place at the ASHA Annual Convention and at the ASHA Annual Healthcare/Business Conference.

As a CA ASHA STAR Representative, Shellie will effect positive change in the private health plan system and create a statewide atmosphere in which our professions are valued.

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